Francisco Leyton


July 17, 2019, Francisco was a client of Joris
I was lucky to have Joris as a professor for my accounting course in the MBA. He shared the precise knowledge for managers to evaluate businesses from a financial perspective. He is up to date in all the latest normatives and has vast experience in M&A and company valuation. I learned a lot from him and he was always willing to go beyond the academic for us to understand how we can read an get to know a company through its numbers.

Wayne van Drunick

Business Operations-Analyst bij NIBC Bank

May 23, 2019, Wayne was a client of Joris
I have had the privilege of attending some of the courses Joris hosted and thorougly enjoyed it. Joris is outstanding in taking traditionally difficult courses such as accounting and making it practical, simple and interesting. I did not only learn important theoretical concepts in his courses but more importantly how to practically apply them in my career. Whetever a student has a financial and/or accounting background/career or not, the courses Joris hosts adds value to the careers of everyone who attends .

Winod Bisoen

Team Leader Process Control and Safeguarding

May 15, 2019, Winod was a client of Joris
Very good lecture on Finance!! Thanks Joris.

Servaas Vrijburg

algemeen directeur Fiscount | zakelijk mediator | ik help je bij leiderschapsontwikkeling

March 21, 2019, Servaas was a client of Joris’
Joris heeft een kwalitatief hoog niveau. Als plezierige spreker gaan kennis en kunde hand in hand.

Gert-Jan de Bruijn

Head of Private Equity NL at Alter Domus

March 21, 2019, Gert-Jan was a client of Joris
Very clear and to-the-point course. Joris is a likable guy with a genuine interest to help others in their learning. Certainly recommend this course.

Veerle Declercq

Manager bij Aquis Corporate Finance

March 19, 2019, Veerle was a client of Joris
WeWe hebben net een tweedaagse opleiding gehad van Joris Kersten over waardering van ondernemingen. Joris slaagt erin een moeilijke materie op een simpele manier over te brengen! Zeer boeiend gebracht! Een echte aanrader! Veerle Declercq

Peiman Behjati

Associate Professor at Universitatea „Bioterra” din București

March 19, 2019, Peiman was a client of Joris'
Dear Joris, The structure, fluency and organization of the presentations were really appropriate, Especially, they were well oriented for the managers and experienced people. Well done! As a manager and also university professor I really enjoyed of being in your class in these three days. Hope to meet to meet you again!

Louise-Marie Musschoot

Business Analyst bij Aquis Corporate Finance

March 19, 2019, Louise-Marie was a client of Joris
With the Aquis-team, we had the chance to attend a very interesting 2-day corporate finance training, given by Joris Kersten. I would recommend every financial to follow this programm!

Miguel Belón

Marketing & Communications Officer at Weir Minerals

February 5, 2019, Miguel was a client of Joris
As part of my MBA program in MSM, I participated in a course regarding finance / accounting with Joris and I really enjoyed it. He taught us through real cases to understand the concepts and theory, which was very helpful and practical. He is also very enthusiastic and the class was participative and dynamic.

Ghasem Nosrati

Interim professional bij Vanberkel Professionals

January 23, 2019, Ghasem was a client of Joris
I had the privilege to participate in the business valuation course given by Joris at the top university Nyenrode. Joris can explain the material very well and in an understandable way and gives examples that you can really use in practice. Nice combination between theory and practice. Thank you Joris. Hope to see you soon in one of your courses.

Martin Vermaas

Financieringsspecialist Grootbedrijf | Specialist in zakelijke kredietverlening

January 21, 2019, Martin was a client of Joris’
Ik heb in december 2018 een cursusdag over bedrijfsovernamen gevolgd. Joris is een kundig docent die de leerstof op een enthousiaste manier over weet te brengen. Veel ruimte voor interactie. Ik beveel Joris van harte aan als docent.

Tycho Westerhout MSc

Accountmanager MKB at Rabobank Bollenstreek

January 21, 2019, Tycho was a client of Joris’
Recent heb ik een cursusdag gevolgd over bedrijfswaarderingen. Ik heb deze dag als zeer leerzaam ervaren. Je kan duidelijk merken dat Joris veel praktijkervaring heeft. Daarbij is hij in staat om de materie met veel enthousiasme en duidelijk over te brengen!

Elnaz Pir

Multiple roles @ Oliver Valves Netherlands & NRG Flow Self-management/ Holacracy / Purpose

January 19, 2019, Elnaz was a client of Joris’
I was so lucky to have an accounting course through my MBA program at MSM with Prof. Kersten in November 2018. The course was well structured and practical; and therefore, individuals who did not have any background could easily follow the topics. We were given lots of exercises during the course to ensure we deeply understand the topics. We were assigned a practical assignment to analyze the financial statements (P&L, cash flow and balance sheet) of one of the well-known NL company as a final project. I felt more confident after doing this course with him as a result. His courses are highly recommended indeed.

Melissa Tol-Kampen

Accountmanager Bedrijven Rabobank Westland

January 18, 2019, Melissa was a client of Joris’
Fijne trainer, goede inhoudelijke training. Duidelijke uitleg over de DCF methode en hoe deze tot stand komt. Zeker aan te raden als je een duidelijke en heldere uitleg hierover wilt.

Eric van der Graaf

Finance Professional at EIFFEL

January 17, 2019, Eric was a client of Joris’
Joris heeft een aantal modules verzorgd van de minor Financial Management aan Business School Notenboom. Onderwerpen als risk management en bedrijfswaarderingen heeft hij binnen in enkele weken op een professionele en leuke manier overgebracht. De theoretische basis werd gelegd en vervolgens toegepast in de praktijk. Als leerzame afsluitende opdracht Sligro Food Group gewaardeerd. Mede dankzij Joris een enorm leuke en leerzame minor gevolgd!

Mario Delamboy

Business Development Manager - Metal testing - Material testing - Construction materials

January 16, 2019, Mario was a client of Joris’
Five stars out of five for Joris as a lecturer on the course Financial Management for Non-Financial Managers at Maastricht School of Management. He certainly knows a lot about this topic and has the skills to teach it. Besides his professional skills, I've come to know him as a very friendly and interested man.

Giselle De Man

Financial Analyst at Fremax Brakes

January 14, 2019, Giselle was a client of Joris’
I attended the end of 2018 of the "Accounting for Managers" training given by Joris through the Maastricht School of Management. I can say that it was a week of much learning where I had several difficulties that I had in Accounting, explained by Joris. Excellent teacher and facilitator. The tasks are different from the courses already done in this area, because he address current data and topics. It was not merely solving exercises, I was able during the training to understand and learn to interpret the data through the numbers! It was enriching and certainly contributed to my professional growth!

Alireza Goneili

Academic Aviation Instructor at Tehran Aviation Industry Training Center

January 3, 2019, Alireza was a client of Joris’
Some courses are evolutionary, a very few one is REVOLUTIONARY, like Joris course about finance, because of following: 1- In some parts of course I could't recognize that he is my professor or our consultant. He focused on vital parts of finance course professionally; such as parameters (indicators) to find how much a company is effective in view of financial issues. 2- His training method was interactive. I hope to have the opportunity to meet him in the future.

Masoud Asgari

Production Manager at Hayat Kimya

December 18, 2018, Masoud was a client of Joris’
I was lucky to be introduced the Finance course through my MBA program with Joris! He is very professional in his teaching. his training program was well designed and useful enough for people like me who had not any background about finance in the business world. It was a remarkable experience for me. A few months later, I will have an Accounting course with him, also. I hope it will be great for me, as before. I think his lecture will be applicable to everyone that wants to enter the finance world.

Rasha Shidmaher

Marketing & BD Strategist/Advisor

December 2, 2018, Rasha and Joris were students together
I had the chance to pass Finance course with Joris. I truly found it very interesting and useful for either Marketers or Entrepreneurs. Frankly, one of the main reason was the way I’ve been learnt by him. His lecturing skill was world class, sharp, easy to understand beside his great attitude and eagerness to teach. The Finance and investment knowledge he got can simply lead your business to another level for being less risky and more profitable. All of these caused the Finance course turned to my favorite session of MBA.

Amir Sharafieh

Aviation specialist

December 1, 2018, Amir was a client of Joris’
It is my honor to provide this recommendation for Mr. Joris Kersten as he pursues a teaching position in Maastricht School of Management. As the student of MBA, I have had the pleasure of working with him in finance course. I have seen how he works and I have enjoyed having him on the teaching team for MBA. He is an organized teacher who develops relationships with his students. Joris teaching concepts and topics in his subjects are exceptional. He also has excellent written and verbal communication skills in English language. As an Engineer, I did not know anything about corporate financing, but after passing this course with Joris, I am able to analyse a new business and calculate if the company were profitable by obtaining NPV, IRR and FV. Today I am able to write business plans and develop my skills in this regard. I hope to see Joris again in my Accounting course in the near future. I wish him well.

Sadjad S.Ahmadian

Advisor at Best Buy

November 28, 2018, Joris was senior to Sadjad but didn’t manage directly
Joris is a wonderful lecturer. He thought us corporate finance for MBA and make the though finance course fun to us, and beside the course material, he tried to answer all of our questions about finance and financing. I really appreciate him.

Sasan Ghafourian

Vice President of operations at Ofoghe Alborz Industrial Group

November 25, 2018, Sasan was a client of Joris’
I attended a finance course where Joris was the professor. He was extremely professional in his presentation and highly educated in the subject he presented. He was thorough and applicable to the economic and financial matters we are all facing.I would highly recommend him as a career consultant, business coach or as someone to follow through the internet networking community.As in his professional life, he is very abmitious, hardworking, talented, reliable and trust worthy person, he makes the most out of every opportunity and people. Knowing him is a privilege let alone being a part of his classes.

Dr. Siamak Faez

Abnus Tech Hub( ATH)- Guiding tech startup to find commercial application and globalise their innovations.

November 22, 2018, Dr. Siamak was a client of Joris’
Mr. Kersten has a good command of the subject and effective communication as a lecturer and mentor in this field. His positive energy and enthusiasm adds more to his capabilities.

Daniel Busropan

Environmental Engineer at Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V

November 22, 2018, Daniel was a client of Joris’
Joris was my MSM professor in Finance last June, a course compulsory in the MBA program. The way Joris explained the subjects of finance was exciting and full of energy, Thanks to his clever way of explaining fairly complicated subjects, I'm now not only able to better grasp finance topics, but I'm triggered in reading finance related articles as well. I would highly recommend Joris for anyone or any business who is in need of training in Finance. Joris is very knowledgeable, devoted, full of energy, and very pleasant to work with. But besides finance we also talked during the breaks about his family, sports, travelling, and meditation :) Daniel Busropan

Arjen van Aalderen

Merging general management (BA) and software development.

October 13, 2018, Arjen was a client of Joris’
Prima training Joris....

Viktor van Iersel

Projectmanager | Project management | Installatietechniek | Elektrotechniek | Werktuigbouwkunde

September 19, 2018, Viktor was a client of Joris’
Bij TIAS business school heeft Joris de 3-daagse cursus Corporatie Finance & Accounting gegeven. Voorafgaand aan de cursus was de lesstof vrij nieuw voor mij. Joris is sterk in het combineren van de juiste snelheid van het passeren van de stof met het continu vertalen van theorie naar praktijkvoorbeelden. Dit heeft ervoor gezorgd dat ik een goed begrip heb van de stof in relatief korte tijd en het goed kan toepassen in mijn werk. Zeer tevreden!

Hussain Busakhar

Financial Control Senior Analyst at National Bank of Kuwait

August 26, 2018, Hussain was a client of Joris’
Joris is a passionate lecturer. I met him during an MBA Summer Specialization course that was held last July 2018 in Maastricht School of Management - Netherlands. The subject was “Financial Accounting & Reporting”. He has inspired me not only to understand the subject but also to improve my knowledge, education and seriously consider changes to my career path and future profession from his lectures and teachings. He was for me an intelligent young lecturer who has encouraged me to follow some of the steps he has taken to his success. I am happily recommending him here on LinkedIn, and will do so in person to my colleagues when given the opportunity.

Teun van der Velde

Business Developer | Check6

August 22, 2018, Teun was a client of Joris’
Joris heeft afgelopen jaar een gastcollege Corporate Finance gegeven aan mij en mijn medestudenten op Nyenrode. Van de 3-daagse curus was dit absoluut de meest interessante en leukste college. De manier waarop jij informatie kan overbrengen, de aandacht erbij kan houden en het boven alles leuk blijft houden, is maar voor enkelen weggelegd. Ik wou dat er meer docenten een zelfde positieve energie hebben en dit ook kunnen overbrengen. Ik kijk er heel erg naar uit om in de toekomst meer colleges van je te volgen.

Sandro Bozic

Handelsbanken | Lokaal en verantwoord bankieren | Vastgoed- en zakelijke financieringen

August 15, 2018, Sandro was a client of Joris’
In kader van mijn MScBA opleiding aan TIAS heb ik colleges Accounting & Finance gevolgd, waarvoor Joris als docent verantwoordelijk was. Joris kon in 8 dagdelen de complexe materie op een duidelijke en gestructureerde wijze overbrengen aan een collegezaal met grote diversiteit. Daarnaast wist hij de theorie met interessante voorbeelden te verrijken zodat ook de meer ervaren studenten waardevolle lessen mee konden nemen naar hun praktijk. Naast de inhoudelijke kant is Joris ook prettig in omgang, wat ik van groot belang vind tijdens een intensieve collegesessie. Ik kan hem dan ook van harte aanbevelen als deskundig docent op verschillende deelgebieden van finance.

Gajda Mihály

Reservoir Engineer at MOL Group

August 14, 2018, Gajda was a client of Joris’
Few people have as great teaching skills as Joris has. He held me a three day financial accounting and reporting course as the part of Maastricht School of Management Summer School. I was particularly impressed by Joris’s ability to explain accounting in a simple way. He teaches with real passion. He paid a special attention to the students’ understanding of the subject and adjusted the speed of lecture if it was necessary. If you need a well-organized and easy to understand training on accounting or corporate finance, you are looking for Joris.

Aabir Rhardane, MBA

Management Consulting | Social Entrepreneur | Researcher | Public Speaker | Philanthropist | Believer in "The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs

August 9, 2018, Aabir was a client of Joris’
I had an opportunity to take one of Joris’ Corporate Finance classes. Joris has an extraordinary skill to make complex concepts easy to understand, his teaching way is just great and makes the class easy to follow and enjoyable. His motivation is contagious - he’s an inspiring entrepreneur!

Evelien de Vries

Founder & Managing Director bij MDV Europe/STYLEDRY

August 7, 2018, Evelien was a client of Joris’
I attended a Corporate Finance & Accounting course at TIAS Business School. His class was absolutely fantastic! Joris is very engaging, energetic and extremely knowledgable.The content of his lectures was consistently relevant, he offered valuable real-life examples and insights, and truly contributed to my professional understanding of CF. Greatly experienced lecturer professionally and academically, and I highly recommend him!

Thomas V.

MScBA student at TIAS School for Business and Society with an Automotive background

August 7, 2018, Thomas was a client of Joris’
Afgelopen mei een zeer educatieve 3 daagse cursus gevolgd van Joris over onder andere financial accounting, management accounting en finance. Joris verduidelijkt thema’s met veel voorbeelden uit zijn eigen praktijk als overname-adviseur wat ik als zeer verduidelijkend heb ervaren. Ik kan de cursussen van Joris aanbevelen als je geïnteresseerd bent in de thema’s waarin hij gespecialiseerd is.

Di Wu. MBA

Accounting Control Specialist for

August 5, 2018, Di was a client of Joris’
Professor Joris's lecturing is really impressive. In addition to his abundant knowledge reserve that teaches us how to be a qualified manager from the accounting perspective, sparkles in his eyes really motivate us to learn and apply more, sense of humor amongst his speeches help us ease the pressure from the difficult contents, and flexibility of the arrangement of the classes always maximizes our benefits. If you really want to obtain something within a short time span, then Professor Joris stands for an excellent option.

Rodrigo Konda, MBA

Director, International Pipelaying Contractors at Volvo Construction Equipment

August 5, 2018, Rodrigo was a client of Joris’
I had the privilege to have Joris as one of my Professors at the Corporate Finance module at the Luxembourg School of Business on the early summer 2018. His class was simply excellent. His teachings werenot only very relevant and updated but also, he made a complex theme as Corporate Finance so interesting and motivating to learn more and more.

Karthik Subramaniam

Strategy | Business Development | Start-Ups | Market-Entry | E-Commerce | MBA

August 5, 2018, Karthik was a client of Joris’
I have had the pleasure of attending not one but two of Joris' classes in Accounting at the Maastricht School Of Management. His understanding and passion for Accounting & Finance is clear for all to see and he explains everything with real-world examples which is helpful for remembering the various concepts. I had no background in Accounting or Finance but after his classes, "Accounting For Managers" & "Financial Accounting & Reporting", I can say that Financial Statements don't seem daunting anymore. I couldn't recommend Joris highly enough as both a trainer and a consultant.

Kit Yu Lo

Controller/ Business Consultant with experience in Retail & Non-Profit organisation

August 5, 2018, Kit Yu was a client of Joris’
I followed a 3 days master class course Financial Management / Corporate Finance. A nice group mix with starters and advanced students. Joris managed to get the group interested and gave nice practical samples and insight. For me it was a good refreshment and insights. Nice to work with Joris.

Maarten van Hoogdalem

Business Designer that gets energized from Design & innovation

June 21, 2018, Maarten was a client of Joris’
Just as I was working 5 months in the field of M&A and corporate finance, I had some experience with business valuation, but still I was missing the thread was missing. During the 1 day training by Joris in Business valuation I figured out the thread in the business valuation. Besides the lessons learned I loved the discussions that arose and how every advisor approaches problems differently, but within a certain band with. Thereby I learned that the one isn't necessarily better than the other, but that they both can just be as good as long as the story matches the numbers. If you're looking for an energizing training and want to learn more about corporate finance or M&A I would suggest you to participate in this training.

Wytse Bonestroo

Sales Executive bij Lyreco Benelux

June 8, 2018, Wytse was a client of Joris’
Vorig studiejaar de colleges Corporate Finance, Risk Management en Project Finance Management gevolgd bij Joris in het kader van mijn BBA Bachelor Business Administration op Business School Notenboom. Joris weet zijn kennis en kunde te delen op een boeiende, interactieve wijze. Met voorbeelden uit de praktijk en zelf ontwikkelde opdrachten geeft Joris op een interessante manier invulling aan de literatuur. Joris beloont hard werken en stimuleert daarmee een actieve deelname van de studenten op een natuurlijke manier.

Ranjay Kumar

Certified SAFe® Advanced Scrum Master | CSM®

May 12, 2018, Ranjay was a client of Joris’
Joris has an excellent teaching skill. Joris had taught us a course- “Accounting for Managers” in Maastricht school of business, internationally accredited business school. Having no background in finance and accounting, I was little concerned and skeptical about the course and learnings. However, during the course, I found myself comfortable with the concepts of accounting due to his teaching style. His didactic approach infuses a lot of confidence in me and the best part of his pedagogical style is to have the cohort learn by practicing problems rather than cramming the concepts. After explaining the concepts holistically, he assists the students in understanding the concepts by getting them solve problems. Joris, being an independent consultant in Mergers and Acquisitions, often discuss real-life problems, belonging to the subject, and encourage students to partake in discussions. Being taught by him was a great learning experience.

Katrien De Jaeger

MD PhD MBA | Radiation Oncologist

May 6, 2018, Katrien was a client of Joris’
Few people with my background understand the basics of accountancy but I do since I attended the Accountancy module by drs Joris Kersten. I was privileged to have Joris as a teacher during the EMBA program at the Maastricht School of Management (January 2018). I was impressed by his ability to teach full of enthusiasm and relaxed (despite the limited time) complex matters in a very structured way, so that every student, independent of his/her background, could understand. You transformed the stereotypically boring accountancy into an appealing field and learned us how to portray the financial health of a business. I hope many more students will have the opportunity to benefit from your superb teaching and expertise in the field of finance and accountancy!

José Roberto Simeone

International Sales Manager

April 24, 2018, José Roberto was a client of Joris’
I believe that a significant challenge for business schools is how to bring applicability and sense of reality into the classroom. Mr. Joris managed to do that effectively by creating the hands-on exercises and business environment that we see in the real market. Also, the humbleness in recognizing that learning is a continuous process demonstrates rare teacher’s quality. Ultimately, I’ve lost the fear of facing the big daunting financial statements, reaching an adequate comprehension of the theme.

Meilinda Debora Girsang

Pega Junior Consultant at BPM Company for Rabobank

April 11, 2018, Meilinda Debora was a client of Joris’
Joris taught us Accounting for Manager as one of the main subject in Master of Business Administration study in Maastricht School of Management, The Netherlands. I enjoyed his classes, his pedagogical approach was very much practical and not dictating. Joris gave room to opinions and discussion while also keep the main theme intact with the core learning objectives. His views of business were also quite informative for our extended learning. The final assessment of our course let me study to the extent of getting the main understanding in the knowledge of accounting which is needed as an executive without pushing too far beyond the reach of someone who has no finance background.

Gina Montero

MBA | Business Analysis | Marketeer | Trade Marketing | Product management | Brand management | Chocolate & music lover

April 9, 2018, Gina was a client of Joris’
Joris taught us in the Accounting for Managers course as part of our MBA Full Time program at MSM. For me, the experience was very gratifying because he managed not only to teach us the most important theorethical concepts in a didactical way but also to give us the excellent advice on key information we should always monitor as business people in order to understand how healthy the business we work for is, and what we need to do to improve it. I found all his lessons very relevant and useful for my future professional path. Thank you Joris!

Arjan de Waard

Financieringsspecialist bij Rabobank Alkmaar e.o.

April 5, 2018, Arjan was a client of Joris’
Recent een 2-daagde training bedrijfswaardering en structurering gevolgd van Joris Kersten. Een zeer deskundige trainer die op een duidelijke manier de facetten van bedrijfswaarderingen op de deelnemers over kan brengen. Bovenal een prettig persoon om training van te krijgen. Joris, bedankt voor de leerzame en zeer interessante dagen!

Alsu Nurieva

Supply chain project engineer

April 4, 2018, Alsu was a client of Joris’
It was a great pleasure to attend the accounting course designed by Joris. He is very enthusiastic about his subject what makes the course dynamic and enjoyable! All the questions during the course were answered in a comprehensive and practical way. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this learning process, I wish Joris all the best and many new achievements!

Amedeo M.

Insurance Lawyer at PSA Group

March 30, 2018, Amedeo was a client of Joris’
During the Accounting for Managers module at Maastricht School of Management I have been please to meet Joris and enjoy his lecture. Making Accounting-Financial rules clear to a lawyer like me was no easy job, so Chapeau! Goed gedaan!

Ramzi Alashabi

MBA specialized in the Digital Economy, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Agile, Project Management.

March 6, 2018, Joris was senior to Ramzi but didn’t manage directly
Joris is one of the few instructors I have come across with a unique approach to teaching accounting. Attending his lectures at MSM was very knowledgeable, and I can say with certainty that I was impressed. His course was very concise, comprehensive and creative; it indeed shows a work of a professional consultant with a solid background. I was lucky to meet such a talent, and I wish him my best in his future activities.

Richard Mosch MSc

Financieringsspecialist at Rabobank West-Friesland

March 6, 2018, Richard was a client of Joris’
Onlangs een cursus Bedrijfsovernames gevolgd bij Joris. Ik heb de training als zeer verhelderend ervaren en heb absoluut veel bijgeleerd in dit vakgebied. Een training door Joris kan ik daarom zeker aanbevelen!

René Overeem

Senior rekenkundige / Cordaet Personenschade

March 3, 2018, René was a client of Joris’
De training was zeer waardevol voor mijn werkzaamheden. De opzet was zeer logisch. Joris legt het de stof begrijpelijk en rustig uit en geeft de training op interactieve wijze. Goede aandacht voor de vragen van deelnemers. Joris geeft blijk van zeer goede kennis en ervaring op zijn vakgebied. Kortom is de training aan te bevelen.

Falco Houwer

Partner / advocaat & belastingadviseur bij Bruggink & Van der Velden Advocaten Belastingadviseurs BV

March 1, 2018, Falco was a client of Joris’
De masterclass bedrijfswaardering die Joris verzorgde wat goed bruikbaar in mijn praktijk en mooi interactief!

Herbert Lebens

IT Manager at Maastricht UMC+ Academie

February 26, 2018, Herbert was a client of Joris’
During my MBA course in accounting, I have come to know Joris not only as a skillful and motivated teacher, but also very pleasant person. This made his lectures enjoyable and easy to follow even despite the often complex material he discussed. He is able to transfer the passion he has for his field to his audience as many of our group are now considering a specialization in finance and accounting. What I especially appreciate about Joris is that he is very conscientious and easy to approach. Even though he teaches in many different schools to hundreds of students, he will always provide an appropriate answer within a short time frame. Without reservation I would recommend Joris to anyone who is looking for advice in finance, accounting and M&As!

Jasbindra Singh

Subsurface Lead at Shell

February 21, 2018, Jasbindra was a client of Joris’
I had the honour of attending the lectures of Joris Kersten on Accounting while doing my EMBA at MSM. He has in-depth knowledge of the subject of Accounting and Finance. Teaching is his passion. He is a naturally gifted individual with mastery in the subject and exceptional teaching skills - a very rare combination. His dedication to helping students learn and understand the subject is extraordinary. I respect his creative uniqueness and positive energy to keep everyone engaged in the discussions during the class. He follows his passion and is a true example of an authentic human being. I feel really proud to know such a talented and knowledgeable individual. I wish him all the best for a bright career in the future.

Paul Roosen

Senior Vermogensstructureerder ABN AMRO MeesPierson 06 - 206 34 338

February 20, 2018, Paul was a client of Joris’
Onlangs heb ik onderwijs ontvangen van Joris Kersten. Centraal stond de discounted cash flow methode. Joris kon alle relevante informatie op een heldere wijze overbrengen op de groep. Ik heb echt wat geleerd. Hij zet duidelijk eerst de basis neer en gaat daarna de diepte in met de groep aan wie hij onderwijs geeft. Goede docent

Burak Koparan

| MSc | PMP | EMBA Candidate |

February 16, 2018, Burak was a client of Joris’
Joris was my lecturer in Accounting at the Executive MBA program of MSM. He has quite energetic and enthusiastic attitude while teaching which has let me to enjoy every single moment of the lecture. He has quite extensive knowledge of Accounting and Finance. I believe that his background on both academy and private sector is the key factor of his accomplishment. I had a distinct pleasure of being a student of him!

Ben Vroom

Directeur eigenaar at Fiscalis Accountants BV

February 16, 2018, Ben was a client of Joris’
Joris is een rustige, kundige bedrijfswaardeerder die op een prettige manier en met kennis van zaken je meeneemt in de aanpak van bedrijfswaarderingen. Geeft een duidelijke uitleg van de DCF- methode en de valkuilen. Voor de MKB praktijk is voor collega's die regelmatig met bedrijfswaardering en overnames te maken krijgen de door Joris te geven cursus een absolute aanrader.

Rick Kemp, van der

Manager Legal, Tax & Treasury bij Borgesius Holding B.V.

February 16, 2018, Rick was a client of Joris’
Joris is een docent die cursus geeft met een kop en een staart en een gestructureerde opbouw. Hij spreekt helder en gebruikt duidelijke taal. Hij laat ruimte voor inbreng van deelnemers en betrekt ze bij zijn verhaal. Verder heeft hij tijdens zijn cursus voldoende handvaten om je verder te kunnen verdiepen in de materie.

Pepijn Beliën

Notaris in Berkel en Rodenrijs, Bergschenhoek, Bleiswijk. Hockey, voetbal, skiën

February 16, 2018, Pepijn was a client of Joris’
Onlangs heb ik een training van Joris gevolgd. Hierbij werd in heldere en begrijpelijk taal, met duidelijke overzichten en casus door Joris de verscheidenheid van de wijze waarop waarderingen plaatsvinden uit de doeken gedaan. Ik kan een cursus van Joris van harte aanbevelen.

Roel Bloys

Ik ben een financieel coach die ondernemers begeleidt bij het behalen van hun strategische doelstellingen en winst.

February 16, 2018, Roel was a client of Joris’
De bevlogenheid waarmee Joris de cursus geeft werkt aanstekelijk en waardoor je betrokken blijft en er meer van wil weten. Zijn kennis op het gebied van bedrijfswaarderingen blijkt uit alles dus absoluut een aanrader om een cursus van Joris te volgen. Roel Bloys

Dennis Langkemper

Tax lawyer - Partner at Amstone Tax Lawyers

February 16, 2018, Dennis was a client of Joris’
Uitstekende cursus gekregen van Joris Kersten over bedrijfswaarderingen. Zeer helder verhaal en goede interacties met de cursisten! Joris, ga zo door zou ik zeggen!

Koen Beelen

founder & director knowledge management at Co-Capacity

February 15, 2018, Joris worked with Koen in the same group
Joris has proven to be an excellent lecturer of accounting in the MSM EMBA 4-day course. He showed indepth knowledge of this subject and was able to make some sidesteps to related fields such as finance and investment. I particularly liked his ability to provide a clear structure and guide us through the topics step by step, and being able to answer the many questions form the large group of 40+ at the same time. Overall an excellent experience!

Rama Santhanam

Release coordinator

February 14, 2018, Rama was a client of Joris’
I attended Accounting lecture of Joris at MSM for the Executive MBA group in January 2018. I really enjoyed his classes, he was very clear and articulate. He kindled my interest in Accounting and Finance very much. Even though it was a very condensed lecture for 4 days, i felt like i could become an account if i want. Joris was very open and patient in answering all our questions. The best thing is what i learnt in the class, i can apply it both in personal and professional life. Joris is able to assess the audience capacity and lecture accordingly. He is so passionate about what he is doing that he inspired me and i hope the rest of the class too. I highly recommend attending Joris's lectures to all prospective students. I wish you all the best Joris for your future endeavours.

Salma Ben Amor

Senior Geoscientist at Mazarine Energy BV

February 14, 2018, Salma was a client of Joris’
Very pleasant Accounting course I had with Mr Joris Kersten who lectured at MSM few weeks ago! He simplified the theories to make it easy to assimilate and with his good selection of exercises we had the opportunity to put the new learnings into practice. If you want to improve your Accounting and Finance skills, I highly recommend you to attend Joris lectures.

Robert Tigges

Head Coach Amsterdam women hockey at Amsterdamsche Hockey & Bandy Club (AH&BC)

February 13, 2018, Robert was a client of Joris’
I had the privilege to attend Joris his 4-day ‘Accounting’ class during my Executive MBA program at Maastricht School of Management in mid-January 2018. Joris is a great lecturer and brings his ‘theory’ with a lot of energy. Very easy to listen to and a superb practice-oriented explanation. Thanks again Joris, I enjoyed it a lot!

Michel Leinders

Hoofd Bedrijfsvoering bij CNME Maastricht en regio

February 8, 2018, Michel was a client of Joris’
I had lectures from Joris at the Maastricht School of Management, where he taught "Accounting" for the Executive MBA class. It was really refreshing how Joris could elaborate on this often experienced as "dry stuff". His vivid way of teaching and didactical approach takes you step by step in better understanding of financial reports. It was a pleasure taking lessons from him and he is very professional in charing knowledge.

Gautam Biswas

Commercial Manager, Business Development at Petrogas E&P LLC

February 7, 2018, Gautam was a client of Joris’
I had the opportunity to attend a 4-full day session of Joris Kersten on accounting and finance during mid Jan 2018, as a part of my EMBA at MSM, Maastricht. I am very much impressed with his teaching skills. He structured the sessions in a very efficient way. I liked, the way he deliberated in the class and made us understand the subject, especially with the students having different educational background. His every lecture was supported with case studies and exercises, which made the sessions more interesting. I would love to attend few more of his lecture sessions in future, extending my in-depth leaning towards the company valuation and M&A activities. I strongly recommend to undertake his lecture sessions. Thanks Mr. Kersten

Jeroen Backelandt

Optical Consultant

February 6, 2018, Jeroen was a client of Joris’
Joris has proven to be an excellent teacher that can explain financial and accounting topics in a way that I even understand it! A great communicator and solid professional who knows his craft. Highly recommendable!

Lucia Pastoor-Ceha, MBA

Benelux Sales Manager Diabetes Care at Becton Dickinson Company (Safety Syringes, Inc. )

February 6, 2018, Lucia was a client of Joris’
Joris Kersten gave us a very interesting 4 day course in accounting for the Executive MBA program. He’s is a very engaged teacher who is able to explain complicated stuff in very understandable way.

Mohammed Kadrouch

Relationship Manager for Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia & Iran at International Air Transport Association (IATA)

February 6, 2018, Mohammed was a client of Joris’
I sat in Joris’s MBA class last January. It was my first lecture type of session after I graduated from university 17 years ago. While I was concerned about whether or not I made the right decision to go back to sitting in a classroom, i was lucky to start my MBA with Joris’s. His way of bringing the subject to a group of professionals in class is very sophisticated. A great combination of field experience in financial decision making, along with best practices fueled with lots of logic and simulated in class discussion. Bravo and Thank you Joris.

Maria Kirichenko

Key Account Manager at Studyportals

December 14, 2017, Maria was a client of Joris’
It was great having Joris as an instructor of the Accounting course in my postgraduate programme. Joris has an expertise in the field and explained all concepts in a comprehensible way, using real-life examples. I also liked that we did exercises for each module, which helped a lot in a learning process. Joris had a great engagement with class and made the course both useful and interesting for us all. Many thanks for a great course and good luck in all your feature endeavors!

Juan Carlos Ramonet Moreno

Industrial and Systems Engineer

December 8, 2017, Juan Carlos was a client of Joris’
Joris is an excellent teacher, I had the opportunity to take Accounting for Managers with him at MSM. His dominance and passion for the topic make the classes very interesting, and the explanations very clear. He was always open to answer questions related to the topic, moreover, he was open to discuss other topics of interest for students, like investments, cryptocurrencies, and so on; I take this positive attitude as an extra and I am very satisfied with it. The bottom line is that Joris is a very good teacher, great person with impeccable ethics and he has a great sense of humor. I totally recommend his courses, you will definitely enjoy them and you will learn something new.

Tom Florie, MBA

Locatiemanager trainee bij Cicero Zorggroep | eigenaar Dj Flow Real & Mamacita! Events

December 4, 2017, Tom was a client of Joris’
Joris has been teaching accounting for managers at MSM to our group in November 2017. His main goal was for the group to understand the basics & answer questions. Even for a group that did not have any background in accounting at all, Joris succeeded to lecture the basics until the advanced knowledge to any individual of the group, so that everybody understands it. This is something I have not seen very often. Therefore I recommend Joris as a lecturer on accounting and finance.

Grace Tandipayuk

University Lecturer at Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

December 2, 2017, Grace was a client of Joris’
Joris is one of the greatest assets of MSM. As a lecturer, he knows the way to make Accounting course more understandable for students who have no basis in accounting. My bachelor education was Psychology and on the first day of Accounting course, I was hesitating whether I would understand and survive in this course. He is kind of lecturer that always give the priority to its students and makes sure that all his students understand the subject that he taught. I can see that he puts his heart into teaching and that is why we as students always love to attend his class.

Dixon Block

Freelance Corporate Trainer at InterAction

December 2, 2017, Dixon was a client of Joris’
Joris was the instructor for an Accounting course I took at the Masters level of a Management program at the Maastricht School of Management. This course was led expertly by Joris who not only was very knowledgeable in his field, but was able to convey this knowledge well as a teacher. As a student, and as someone with a background in education myself, I am more than happy to attest to Joris' teaching style. He was attentive to pacing and flexible with his lesson plan to suit his students' needs and interests. He was looking for and open to feedback, ensuring his class got the most out of their experience. Joris also managed class time and resources quite effectively, using other texts and materials to support what he was lecturing about. Most importantly, from an educational point of view, Joris understands that being a good teacher includes honesty and a drive for learning. If Joris was confronted with a question to which he did not know the answer, he would admit that it was not something with which he was familiar. He would then proceed to pursue the topic with the students to reveal the answer to the issue or to facilitate a discussion about it. This ability to lead a learning environment was greatly appreciated by the class and allowed for a great deal of education. All in all, Joris Kersten was a fantastic addition to my time as a student at MSM, and I hope our paths cross in the future.

Bernardinus Realino Edy Gunawan

Data Management and Software Developer at Esaote

December 1, 2017, Bernardinus Realino was a client of Joris’
Joris Kersten lecture was one of the best that I have in my education live. He explains in detail and gives a good example; he is one of the teachers that can combine theoretical and practical and have a passion for teaching.

Daniel Fontana

Customer Success Manager at Talkwalker

December 1, 2017, Daniel was a client of Joris’
Joris Kersten, without any doubt, was one of the most captivating professor that I have ever had. He made me, as he said during the first day, gain the capacity of reading numbers. His wide knowledge of accounting and finance puts him to be a challenging professor, always ready to discuss and make sure that everybody is on the same page. I truly recommend everyone attends one of his course to understand the benefits of listening to him.

Abigail Daley

Education and Research Officer at Maastricht Graduate School of Governance/UNU-MERIT

December 1, 2017, Abigail was a client of Joris’
Joris Kersten provides a uniquely competent perspective on Accounting due to his history of lecturing at multiple universities along with his experience as the owner of his own financing company. In class, he was able to introduce the subject material in a relatable way by understanding my position as a student in an intensive masters program, in which learning time was greatly limited, and encouraged what was feasible to learn and take away from the class sessions. He provided a fresh perspective on Accounting by sharing his business knowledge and showing how he applied materials taught in class to his own business. I highly recommend Joris Kersten as a lecturer and would be happy to a take another class from him in the future.

Praveen Kumar

Saragadam Application Engineer at DENSO

December 1, 2017, Praveen Kumar was a client of Joris’
Joris Kersten is one inspiring teacher with much experience in the field of accounting. He made accounting very interesting, and all of our questions answered in detail. Every theory taught was explained with an example of a real case, this kind of teaching style is what precisely students need. As a class representative, I strongly recommend his services, and we all hope to see you soon sir.

Tom van den Nieuwenhuijzen

Sustainability professional in public service.

November 24, 2017, Joris worked with Tom in the same group
Joris has been one of the most inspirational colleagues I have ever had. Even though his style is almost opposite from mine, we’ve come to accept and value each other’s work and worked great as a team. Joris is an enthusiastic team player you can build on. Very professional and intelligent, in depth knowledge in his field, but most of all a great guy to have around. I have enjoyed every moment working with Joris and I envy - in a good way - everybody that will have that chance in the future.

Daniel Mazzini

New Technology Introduction Project Manager at ZF Wind Power

September 22, 2017, Daniel was a client of Joris’
I had the chance to participate in the course: Financial Accounting & Reporting by professor Joris Kersten as part of the MBA program at Maastricht School of Management in July 2017. I enjoyed the pace an environment of the class as Joris allowed lots of questions and clarified the concepts discussed in a very practical way, with lots of real recent cases. Although I initially thought that the course final assignment was too long and hard; the final result was that I learnt a lot as the initial parts segmented through each question, eventually as I worked further in the report, they sum up as a whole in order to answer the final questions creating a detail and overall understanding of the company that we analyzed. It was a valuable experience, I learnt a lot. Daniel Mazzini (MBA MSM 2017)

Gabor Juhasz

Digital Marketing Specialist at Sakura Finetek Europe

September 19, 2017, Gabor was a client of Joris’
During my MBA studies I had the opportunity to attend to Mr. Kersten’s course. Joris provided an effective and valuable session by being extremely organized, well-prepared and structured. I was impressed by his professionalism and knowledge that he showed from the very beginning of the course. He encouraged discussion and was open to help each one of us individually throughout different topics. He made the course challenging and provided valuable insights and experience from his career. Thanks to him, I was able to further extend my knowledge in financial accounting and reporting.

Ahmad Assi, MBA, PMP

Head of Sales and Marketing at Ariane Real Estate

September 16, 2017, Ahmad was a client of Joris’
During my specialization course in the MBA Joris was one of my professors and i am very glad that he taught me financial accounting and reporting. The combination of knowledge and practical experience that he has about financial reports, statements and company valuations were shared in depth and detail in the class room. This was extremely insightful and useful! I can say that he is very talented and passionate about his field.

David Pata Saung

Auditor BPK RI

September 16, 2017, David was a client of Joris’
Joris Kersten is one of the best lecturer in accounting and finance that I have ever had. within a lot of experience in accounting and finance consulting, he teach relevant material, useful concepts and takes time to understand students need. it was so lucky ever join with him class.

Tom Frohn

Unconsultant @ iPM Partners zet Strategie om in Resultaat

September 1, 2017, Tom was a client of Joris’
Joris Kersten heeft bij Business school Notenboom de minor Finance verzorgd. Bij deze minor lag de focus op Risk management, corporate finance en project finance management. De combinatie van kennis uit de praktijk met theorie zorgt voor een ontzettend prettige manier van werken, bijvoorbeeld de bedrijfswaardering die gemaakt moest worden voor een beursgenoteerd bedrijf!

Jop van Oort

Manager New Product Development Europe at AFB International

August 30, 2017, Jop was a client of Joris’
Joris was de docent voor de post Bachelor cursus finance for non financials als onderdeel van de AVANS+ cursus middle management. Joris is een zeer bekwame docent die op een ontspannen manier de materie duidelijk kan uitleggen. Joris heft een goed inlevingsvermogen om de persoonlijke situatie van de cursisten snel helder te krijgen zodat de cursus een persoonlijke touch krijgt.

Dennis van Liempd

Woonconsulent Veiligheid bij BrabantWonen

August 25, 2017, Dennis was a client of Joris’
Joris; bevlogen, gepassioneerd, snel, professioneel en met een vleugje Brabantse humor. Door zijn lessen heb ik een duidelijke kijk op financieel management gekregen. Hij gaat structureel door de stof. Laat je denken en werken. Bij vragen altijd bereid om toelichting te geven.

Rita Nieuwenhuijsen

Stafadviseur Finance & Control at AMC - Academic Medical Center

August 19, 2017, Rita was a client of Joris’
Ik vind dat Joris zeer goed ingewikkelde financiële thema's op diverse niveaus kan uitleggen. Dit heb ik ondervonden tijdens zijn colleges MBA financieel management. Hij doet dit aan de hand van heldere voorbeelden en ik heb veel van hem geleerd. Een zeer goede 'leraar' met plezier en liefde voor zijn vak.

Mike Teunissen

Projectleider bij Nikkelen elektrotechniek B.V.

August 15, 2017, Mike was a client of Joris’
Afgelopen voorjaar scholing gehad van Joris in financieel management; gedreven en deskundige lessen van iemand die zijn passie kan overbrengen over, in de basis, taaie stof. Dit maakte dat zowel ikzelf, als mijn klas, nieuwsgierig werden over de verbanden en nieuwe inzichten. De manier van lesgeven van Joris is door het gebruik maken van praktijkvoorbeelden, die voor iedereen herkenbaar zijn, erg verhelderend.

Jiske Helms-Driesten

Fiscaal Adviseur en Boekhouder

August 10, 2017, Jiske was a client of Joris’
Joris heeft met zijn uitgebreide achtergrond in de financiële wereld en ruime ervaring met bedrijfsovernames een goede basis voor de training bedrijfswaardering. Ik heb de training bedrijfswaardering als zeer nuttig ervaren en Joris is een fijne docent. Na de training ben je in staat om een goed onderbouwde waardering te maken.

Eddy K.

Zelfstandige bij Zelfstandig

July 11, 2017, Eddy was a client of Joris’
Ik heb de cursus bedrijfsoverdracht/bedrijfswaardering gevolgd met Joris als docent. Zijn uitleg was to the point, kraakhelder en scherp! Na de cursus kon ik het geleerde uitstekend in de praktijk brengen. Daarnaast is Joris een prettige vent in de omgang met de nodige dosis gezonde humor. Bedankt Joris!

Alexander Smit

Vermogensmanager | Private Banking I Financieel Planner I Beleggen | Financieren | Bedrijfsoverdracht | Ondernemers | Netwerken | Verbinden

July 10, 2017, Alexander was a client of Joris’
Joris is een zeer kundige trainer die op inspirerende wijze de lesstof overbrengt!

Murat Onen

Partner bij Floris Vastgoed Specialisten BV - Founder en owner WoW Real Estate Finance

July 10, 2017, Murat was a client of Joris’
Een ervaren professional die ik heb mogen ontmoeten als docent tijdens mijn masterclass Financieel Management via NCOI. Weet heel goed theorie met praktijk te verbinden en legt t op een begrijpelijke manier uit. Betrokken richting zijn studenten en betrekt zijn studenten in de lesstoffen en is zeer eager om zijn kennis en ervaring over te brengen. In een woord te omschrijven als een top professional en zeker een aan te bevelen professional.

Inge Degen

Bestuurssecretaris bij Zorggroep Drenthe

July 7, 2017, Inge was a client of Joris’
De afgelopen maanden volgde ik een masterclass financieel management bij Joris. Niet alleen heb ik veel van hem geleerd, maar ook heeft zijn enthousiasme mij aangestoken. Met vele voorbeelden weet hij de cijfers kleur en inhoud te geven en is het vak voor mij gaan leven!

Sebastian Huijben

Financial Controller bij Leen Bakker

July 2, 2017, Sebastian was a client of Joris’
Onlangs heb ik voor mijn MBA de module Financieel Management bij het NCOI mogen volgen. Joris Kersten was de docent van deze module. Ik heb Joris als erg positief ervaren, hij vertelt vol passie over het vak en brengt het erg goed over. Dankzij zijn ervaring en kennis kan hij iedereen enthousiast maken voor het vakgebied en ondanks de diversiteit in cursisten, was het voor iedereen begrijpelijk en erg leerzaam. Ik kan Joris dan ook zeker aanbevelen.

Caroline Taams

Vestigingsmanager/ Teammanager/ Teamleider / Interim

June 27, 2017, Caroline was a client of Joris’
Voor de Masterclass Corporate Finance/financieel management, onderdeel van mijn MBA opleiding Overheid -en Non Profit, was Joris Kersten de docent. Zijn ervaring en kennis van dit vak in combinatie met zijn enthousiaste en betrokken houding zorgen ervoor dat de stof en inhoud ongeacht de achtergrond van de studenten voor iedereen begrijpelijk wordt. Door de interactie met de groep te zoeken en dieper in te gaan op problemen (ook uit de praktijk) wordt vanuit diverse perspectieven inzicht verkregen. In elk geval heeft deze Masterclass, zeker ook door Joris' wijze van doceren, bijgedragen aan een grotere kennis en interesse op het gebied van financieel Management. Joris is zeker een aanbeveling!

Wendy van Buren

Business Partner| Commercie | Projectmanager | Ketenmanager | Consultant | Verandermanager

June 27, 2017, Wendy was a client of Joris’
Onlangs heb ik een masterclass gevolgd met Joris als docent. Hij doceert met zichtbaar plezier. Hij gebruikt zijn ruime praktijkervaring om de lesstof nóg sprekender te maken. Hij anticipeert op vragen van studenten waardoor het maximale resultaat bereikt wordt. Ik kan Joris dan ook van harte aanbevelen.

Sylvia van Waarde

Directeur CKZ

June 26, 2017, Sylvia was a client of Joris’
Als onderdeel van mijn MBA opleiding gaf Joris in 4 weken tijd de masterclass financieel management. Hij deed dit vol passie en energie. Met zijn kennis over corporate finance wist hij moeiteloos alle studenten met diverse achtergronden te motiveren en enthousiasmeren wat tot leuke en interessante discussies heeft geleid. Mijn kennis op het gebied van financiën in de (non) profit is door deze masterclass enorm verbeterd, bedankt!

Bas Bakkenes


June 19, 2017, Bas was a client of Joris’
Ik heb bij Joris de cursus 'Bedrijfsovername en Bedrijfsoverdracht' gevolgd om mijn klanten nog beter te begeleiden bij een dergelijk traject. Ik heb hierbij veel nieuwe inzichten gekregen in de meest gebruikte waarderingsmethode 'Discounted Cash Flow'. Joris is gepassioneerd, geinteresseerd en staat open voor andere invalshoeken. Voor mij was Joris een interessante sparringpartner die ik zeker nog eens om advies zal vragen!

Stefan Bekkers

Service Manager bij Renova Breda B.V.

May 2, 2017, Stefan was a client of Joris’
Ik he van Joris mogen genieten als docent van het vak Financieel Management tijdens mijn HBO studie. Door zijn enthousiasme en brede kennis in zijn vakgebied weet hij je iedere les weer te boeien. Door praktijkgerichte en herkenbare voorbeelden, worden ook de moeilijke (vaak in eerste instantie saai lijkende) delen van de stof leuk en interessant. "Pas als je iets helemaal begrijpt, kun je het ook uitleggen" is bij Joris meer dan van toepassing. Onverwachts werd dit tot nu toe een van de leukste vakken van de studie.

Frank Boone


May 2, 2017, Frank was a client of Joris’
Financieel Management gevolgd bij Joris via hogeschool NOVI en zijn lessen waren bijzonder prettig om te volgen, maar bovenal is Joris een docent die weet waar hij het over heeft en zijn lessen prima afstemt op degene die de lessen bijwonen. Hij is een docent die de praktijk van het dagelijks leven goed combineert met de soms zware theorie d.m.v. praktijk gerichte voorbeelden, kortweg een prima docent en een leuke vent in de omgang doordat hij tussen zijn studenten staat.

Renato Salarrayan

Commercial Executive en Quintero & Partners - American Income Life

May 2, 2017, Renato was a client of Joris’
Excelente profesor, explica las cosas de la manera mas simple y tiene una vision global de las finanzas. Su experiencia en Holanda permite comparar la situación financiera de Sudamerica con Europa.

Katerina Marić García

Jefe de Alimentos y Bebidas en Delfin Amazon Cruises

May 2, 2017, Katerina was a client of Joris’
Joris was our professor for our finance class that was part of the international MBA program with Maastricht School of Management. Joris was always enthusiastic about the subject and he made sure that everyone understood everything.

Marielle Mannesse

Bestuurs- en directiesecretaresse bij Waterschap Brabantse Delta

May 1, 2017, Joris was senior to Marielle but didn’t manage directly
Joris Kersten was mijn docent tijdens de opleiding Finance for non financials bij Avans Plus. Mede dankzij Joris zijn aanstekelijke enthousiasme, vakkennis en oprechte interesse heb ik de opleiding succesvol afgerond. Joris is een prettig en toegewijd persoon en weet zijn kennis goed over te brengen.

Hebert Pablo Romero López Supply

Chain Sourcing Manager at Logitech

April 27, 2017, Hebert Pablo was a client of Joris’
I met Joris in Peru during January of this year, he was our teacher for the Finance in International Markets course, part of our International MBA program. He shared his knowledge in a very understandable and didactic way. He was always eager to help everyone and specially those of us that don't see finance topics on a daily basis. It was a pleasure to learn from his experience.


Customer Service Engineer AT/XP, Ciclotron en SIEMENS HEALTHCARE SAC

April 25, 2017, PAUL was a client of Joris’
Joris was great in his lectures, he showed not just experience in the field of finance, but practical knowledge about it. I consider that his lectures helped me and my partner's understanding a little better the subject.

Manav Chhabra

Junior Consultant at Cognizant

April 24, 2017, Manav was a client of Joris’
I am a student at the University of Amsterdam and study the entrepreneurship minor. Joris organised a workshop on financing for the startups in our course. It was really interesting to learn about the finance aspects of starting a business. It made me realise that it was one of the aspects that are very important for the success of any business. While me and my team had talked about finances before, we had not taken the time to plan out a well-devised strategy. In the workshop we learned to put together and connect various accounts such as the Profit & Loss statement and cash flows. This was a more practical approach to entrepreneurship and made our business more real. We hope to use the skills that Joris taught us and turn our startup into a successful business.

Keith Alibaks

Procurement Officer bij Van Oord

April 21, 2017, Keith was a client of Joris’
Followed the course Finance for Non-Financials lectured by Joris. Program was structured and with clear examples. Knowledge was transferred with passion and positive energy which helps a lot during the evenings after a long working day. For clarifications regarding queries offline he responds promptly. It was a pleasure to have you as lecturer for this course, thanks for that. I can recommend you for new upcoming courses. Good luck!

Jaime Luis

Ingeniero Electrónico con experiencia en el rubro de equipamiento biomédico

April 19, 2017, Jaime was a client of Joris'
Professor Joris came to Peru for the course "Finance in International Markets". He conduct the class in a professional way and impart his knowledge towards the MBA students. His classes proved his knowledge and responsibility towards the students, he always answered the questions accordingly proving to be really proficient on the course. I would definitely take future courses from him and sincerely wish to see him on seminars and other lectures.

Greg Marschall

SaaS Founder. Marketer. Obsessed coffee and coworking.

April 18, 2017, Greg was a client of Joris’
Joris held a very informative crash course in start up financing to our class UvA Entrepreneurship course. He gave us a very practical insight into the financial futures of our young companies. Sharing with us not only his expertise in funding, but also working individually with our concepts to identify our possible cost drivers. His visit gave me actionable insight into future of my company - Thanks!


Asistente de Recursos Humanos en International Labour Organization (ILO)

April 18, 2017, ROMMEL was a client of Joris’
Joris gave a course about Finance in International Markets of the MBA Program from MSM and CENTRUM Graduate Business School in Peru. I recommend Joris as a lecturer because he showed finance difficult issues with didactic examples and with a lot of enthusiasm not only in the topics even in the ideas about new opportunity business and investments. Thanks very much Joris for helping me to understand better financial topics in a practical way.

Natasha Shroff

Information Systems MSc Student looking for Thesis Research Internship | TNW T500

April 15, 2017, 力静蕾Natasha Shroff was a client of Joris’
Joris came for a guest lecture to the UvA, during a class of the minor in Entrepreneurship to teach different methods of corporate finance and engaged us by providing different financial statements that we had to solve in the form of a case. He was very enthusiastic about our start-up ideas and provided lots of valuable input for our companies. Thanks Joris for helping us to understand financial statements in a simple but effective manner!

Adam Klecheski

Sales Executive- APAC & ANZ at EesySoft

April 14, 2017, Adam was a client of Joris’
Joris gave a finance workshop at the University of Amsterdam, in my minor in entrepreneurship program. As an early stage start up I found this information very useful, applicable and relevant. He presents in a very clear and concise way and can explain everything in depth, with a focus on start-ups and their challenges. Looking forward to working with him in the future.

Yuval Engel

Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Amsterdam

April 10, 2017, Yuval was a client of Joris’
Joris gave a great workshop about the basics of finance for startups and our students at the UvA Minor Entrepreneurship absolutely loved it. He brings a lot of enthusiasm and energy to a topic that both students and entrepreneurs tend to either dread or get bored with. Joris's approach made it easy to follow, interesting, encouraging, and above all - practical and relevant. Highly appreciated and highly recommend!

Rodrigo Lamas

MBA. Financial Strategist

April 10, 2017, Rodrigo was a client of Joris’
The last January I attended Joris’s course about Finance in International Markets, which was given in Peru as one of the core courses of the MBA Program from Maastricht School of Management and CENTRUM Graduate Business School. I strongly recommend Joris as a lecturer, for being able to keep the class engaged and motivated through complex topics that were made easier by his constant guidance and interest in each one of the students, as well as approachable even by students without previous knowledge in the topics. Furthermore, his interest in how things work in the local financial industry in addition to the global markets made the course fully relevant and practical for the students. I really hope to be able to attend one of Joris’ future lectures.

Herwin Meijers

Teammanager Schade bij Unigarant

April 7, 2017, Herwin was a client of Joris’
Ik kan Joris omschrijven als een prettige trainer met gevoel voor humor. Hij is duidelijk in zijn uitleg en geeft makkelijk les door praktijkvoorbeelden te gebruiken. Joris weet van aanpakken dus een goede voorbereiding is gewenst. Ik kan hem zeker aanbevelen als trainer/docent.

Sjoerd van Oijen

Assistent Accountmanager Grootzakelijk bij Rabobank Amsterdam

April 2, 2017, Sjoerd was a client of Joris’
Joris gaf de cursus balanslezen op een inspirerende en praktijkgerichte manier. Heldere uitleg en ruimte voor discussie. Hij weet je te boeien en je aandacht vast te houden.

Lennart Van Vliet


March 30, 2017, Lennart was a client of Joris’
Zeer deskundig. Aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden en ervaringen kan hij de taaie stof op een leuke en goede manier overbrengen.

Gert Kostwinder

Interim Professional DPA Benkis

March 29, 2017, Gert was a client of Joris’
Joris is een uitstekende trainer die praktijk en theorie goed samen weet te brengen. Theorie, gecombineerd met interactie en praktijkoefeningen maakt zijn trainingen compleet. Joris heeft de didactische vaardigheden en competenties die nodig zijn om goede trainingen te verzorgen. Een aanrader voor ieder opleidingsinstituut.

Jasper Pieterse FFP, CFP

Eigenaar bij Pieterse Financiële Planning | Financieel Planner | Vermogensplanner | Hypotheekadviseur

March 29, 2017, Jasper was a client of Joris’
Uitstekende lessen gekregen van Joris bij de cursus Balanslezen. Heldere taal en met humor!

Peter Lernout

Production manager at Elopak

March 27, 2017, Peter was a client of Joris’
Joris is a trainer who can really energize the group. To teach production people Finance stuff isn't that easy, but he did it. Combining all groundrules of finance with easy to understand practices he made every lesson interesting.

Theo Lohuis

Docent Economie en Economie & Ondernemen bij Het Stedelijk Lyceum

March 27, 2017, Theo was a client of Joris’
Joris was erg deskundig en inspirerend. Hij wist de groep van begin tot eind goed bij de les te houden. En gaf ook voldoende ruimte voor discussie. ik beveel Joris van harte aan.

Tom van Ham

Technical Project manager bij Continental Bakeries

March 27, 2017, Tom was a client of Joris’
In 2016 gestart met de opleiding finance for not financials van Avans+ in Breda welke door Joris werd gegeven, door de duidelijke uitleg en zijn persoonlijke gedrevenheid om ons studenten in te leiden in de wereld van finance heb ik een duidelijk beeld gekregen van de diverse begrippen en regels. Omdat e.e.a. toegespitst werd op de huidige werksituatie ook een goede combinatie kunnen maken met de opleiding en de uiteindelijke paper. Ik zal dus zeker bij Joris willen aanbevelen indien men een financiële update wil volgen,

Torben Pedersen

Seniorkonsulent - Cand. Oecon Aarhus Universitet

November 17, 2016, Torben was a client of Joris’
Dear Joris It was a pleasure to meet you in Eindhoven for giving an English spoken lecture in understanding the basics and financing for startup entrepreneur Companies. As an experienced lecturer I will give you credit for a great job by involving the Danish Academy student a lot during your lesson. You understand in a good way that learning takes time, and develops even within a lecturers expected plan to provide extra value add to a subject by respecting this. Therefore my best wishes for you to have new training sessions for Young Dutch Potentials - because it is easy to teach people to bankrupcy but difficult to learn to become winners. Best regards from Ass. Professor, Torben Pedersen, Lillebaelt Academy for higher Educations, Odense, Denmark.

Ralf de Ruijter

Business Unit Manager

October 7, 2016, Ralf was a client of Joris’
I had the pleasure to attend one of Joris' training sessions explaining how to prepare for investment as a startup founder. Joris is a gifted public speaker who is able to break down the complex theory of investment financing into easy to understand steps. Joris is able to make things very practical and shows how small actions and milestones relate to your p&l, your valuation and your investment proposition. I would recommend one of his sessions for any founder looking for investment.

Daan Van Der Weele

Interim Onderwijsmanager Fontys Hogeschool Economie en Communicatie

September 24, 2016, Daan managed Joris directly
Ik heb Joris leren kennen als een gedreven docent, die studenten inzicht gaf in de soms ingewikkelde wereld van Finance. Het ondernemerschap had toen al zijn grote belangstelling dus zijn overstap naar het full time bestieren van zijn eigen bedrijf verbaast me niet. Jammer voor de Fontysstudenten!

Joop Koot

Director-At OOHA Media Advertising en Gelderse Caravan Centrale BV

September 22, 2016, Joop was a client of Joris’
Joris Kersten heeft ons begeleid bij onze start-up en ons voorzien van goede informatie en financiering waar mee we ons bedrijf in een paar jaar hebben kunnen ontwikkelen.

Quido Schaafsma

Wij werken met cijfers, maar bij ons ben jij geen nummer.

September 12, 2016, Quido worked with Joris but at different companies
Joris heeft in juni 2016 een gastcollege "Finance voor startups" verzorgd op de Rabobank Gooi en Vechtstreek voor 20 ondernemers van startups die deelnamen aan Startup Gooi en Vechtstreek. Joris heeft dit gastcollege met veel passie en enthousiasme gegeven! Hij is inhoudelijk zeer sterk op het vakgebied financiering en daarnaast weet hij de boodschap over te brengen op de startup ondernemers! Hij doet dit met voorbeelden, waarbij hij goed de aansluiting maakt met de bedrijven van de ondernemers. Ik kijk terug op een prettige en constructieve samenwerking. Joris zijn aandeel heeft ons verder geholpen.

Philippe V.

Director of the Academy of Business Economics, Finance & Control at THUAS Business School

August 19, 2016, Philippe managed Joris directly
Joris begrijpt als geen ander hoe je complexe materie verstaanbaar maakt zodat je als professional er meteen mee aan de slag kunt in je dagelijkse praktijk. Als docent en trainer is hij bevlogen en gepassioneerd maar vooral ook heel erg kundig. Recente wetenschappelijke inzichten vertaalt hij probleemloos naar de leefwereld van studenten, ondernemers en professionals. Joris was dan ook één van de allerbeste docenten uit mijn team bij Fontys Hogescholen drs. Philippe Van Puymbroeck Director Business Studies, Finance & Controlling Member Management Board Faculty Finance,Business & Marketing The Hague University of Applied Sciences


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